We are excited for a great gardening year ahead and have planned four Garden Gathering events on the Garden Calendar! Previous gatherings have included food (pot luck) and drinks as well as activities such as garden clean up days, roto-tilling, and workshops on various topics related to plants and gardening. They are a great opportunity to meet and greet new and “old” members and to come together as a community.
To help organize these events, we need a few volunteers! If you are interested in participating on the committee, please e-mail Anne Kirschmann at annekir@comcast.net. Responsibilities would include helping to organize at least one of the four events, hopefully more than one!
The first event is planned for Saturday April 2nd and will be our season opening celebration and spring garden cleanup day! We will end with a Harvest celebration in early October (specifics dates to be announced soon!).
Many thanks from your Community Garden Steering Committee
- Jim Graham
- Lisa Guyot
- Anne Kirschmann
- Carl Schulz
- Sandy Slavin
- Ayres Souza
- Hannah Traggis