Good Day Fellow Gardeners! 

I hope this post finds you all well. I wanted to send a note to update everyone about the new compost system. First and foremost, I am pleased to announce that we should have some of our own compost ready for the fall. I will update you as the season progresses. 

Please be aware that as you enter the composting area you will notice there are several bins that are zip-tied shut. These bins are closed as they are in the final stages of decomposing. Soon the bins will be labeled to eliminate confusion. Once they are labeled there will be a bin labeled green (i.e. fresh plant material) and another will be labeled brown (i.e. any dry plant material). We ask that you put your green material in the green bin and your brown material in the brown material. As materials become available members of the composting committee will layer it using a ratio of 3 parts brown to 1 part green in one of the bins. Right now the composting committee consists of Roger and I. We will be turning the bins once again in late July or early August if anyone would like to assist, please let me know (email:

If you would like to contribute materials from your garden or from your home, below are some materials that would be beneficial to our composting efforts. 
– grass clippings from lawns that are grown organically and are free of weed seeds- fruits and vegetables, free of oils- coffee grinds, filters are ok- weeds that have not gone to seed- hay and/or straw- egg shells- brown leaves

Please no animal products or oils.

***When adding materials from your yard or from your garden plot to our compost bins, please be very cautious to not add materials that may contain noxious weeds, like bittersweet or mugwort.***
I will keep you updated when the compost is ready. Thanks for helping our community garden to be such a huge success.

For more information and composting “how-tos”, please read this blogpost on our website!
Warmest Regards,
Lisa GuyotWCG Steering Committee member