Hi Everyone,

It is so good to see so many of you have already gotten started in your plots this spring! For those of you that have not, don’t worry – it is still early yet and you have plenty of time!

We have several new gardeners joining us this year and many many returning familiar faces, welcome to you all!

I want to cover a few items briefly, and appreciate your attention to reading this whole POST!

I have sent two emails regarding a very important set of guidelines and rules for keeping the garden open this year. PLEASE, if you have not done so already, read them AND respond to tell me that you have read them.

Most importantly:

  1. Do not come to the garden if you have any symptoms of COVID-19
  2. COMMUNITY TOOLS: There will be NO sharing of tools in the garden this year. We have removed the common tools and ask that you all bring your own tools. It is also critical that you take your tools home with you at the end of each day. I do not want this to be a barrier for anyone, therefore, *if you do not have your own tools, please let us know and we will work something out for you. 
  3. NO personal tools left in plots, please!: there are a number of plots that have tools left in them. Please take your tools home with you. We can not have people sharing tools right now.
  4. Social Distancing: please maintain a minimum of 6′ from others at all times. 
  5. “At Risk” Gardeners: We have several gardeners who have indicated that they are a high risk of complications if they were to contract COVID-19. We will be determining a way to schedule times for them to garden and feel safe. Please keep your eye on your email and respond to messages regarding this topic. 

Plot fee payment: The fee is still just $35 per plot. If you have two plots, that’s $70. If you have three, that’s $105, etc. Please make check payable to: Wareham Community Garden and send to: PO Box 185, Wareham MA 02571.

Garden Waiver:  If you have not done so in the past, please sign the attached waiver and return it to us at the same address above. ALL gardeners must sign this waiver. It is required by A.D. Makepeace, the generous patrons that own the property on which we garden. I am attaching the waiver. If you are new or if you know you have not yet signed this in the past, PLEASE sign is and return back to us. We are keeping track and so does Makepeace.
Your plot location (2020 PLOT MAP): I am attaching the most current map of the garden. For new gardeners, if you need help using this map to find your plot for the first time, please let me know and I will walk you through it. Some of you returning gardeners have also asked to be moved to different plots, your new assignments are also on this map. If you see your name in a location that we haven’t discussed, please let me know ASAP! 🙂 

Gardening Resources:

  1. mulching hay: We will provide mulch hay again this year and are purchasing one bale per plot. If you have two plots, you get two bales of hay, etc. Please use this mulch to help control weeds and conserve water. 
  2. composted cow manure: We are thrilled to be able to provide composted cow manure again this year. We have one pile in the garden already, and one being delivered later this week. Please feel free to use as much as you need for your plots. 
  3. WEBSITE!!! We have a new and updated website this year and a new Steering Committee member, Carl Schulz, who is our webmaster! We are very excited and will be keeping it updated with all sorts of current and helpful information. Including: helpful “how to” information.
  4. Discussion Forum: We have added an online discussion forum so everyone that wants to can keep in touch with other gardeners, share information, ask questions, etc. You should have all received an invitation to join that forum this evening. You may also join the forum by visiting our website here
  5. Composting bins: We have composting bins. Easy Peasey HOW TO instructions are posted on our website. The basics are: 1.) NO weeds that have gone to seed, 2.) NO plant material that is diseased, 3.) break large stems up into small pieces, 4.) when you add material, toss a few handfuls of the hay or leaves that are piled beside the compost bins on top of what you added
  6. General Garden Guidelines: I am also attaching our standard set of guidelines for gardening. Please remember we do not allow pets in the garden. Your fellow gardeners may be allergic to, or afraid of pets (no matter how nice your pet is) and they are paying to use this space just like you are. Also, even if you pick up #2, dog urine is even more damaging to plants and can’t be ‘picked up’. So please, leave your dogs at home. 

If you have any questions about the garden, please don’t hesitate to ask us! If you need help, if you can’t get to your plot for a while and need some coverage… let us know! 

Thanks for reading, enjoy the garden and welcome to spring!
kind regards,
