June Garden Gathering and Pot Luck

Hi everyone,

We are so delighted to announce our second garden gathering of the season coming up on Saturday June 4th, (rain date Sunday June 5th). 

Please see the flyer for more information and plan to bring something to share for our potluck lunch! The event committee has a great community work project planned to clear some of the brush near the entrance behind the garden bulletin board. Please plan to bring any equipment that you have on hand that will be useful in clearing debris.

Please let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see you all there!

Your Community Garden Steering and Event Committees,


Jim Graham
Lisa Guyot
Anne Kirschmann
Carl Schulz
Sandy Slavin
Ayres Souza
Hannah Traggis

Season Opening

Hi everyone,

What a great turnout we had on Saturday for our annual season opening! A huge Thank You to our Event Committee -Anne Kirschman, Kathy Williams, Laurie Christiana, Ann Shor, and Carol Wasserman- for organizing a wonderful Potluck lunch! Another huge THANK YOU to Ayres Souza for organizing what has now become our annual roto-tilling!! And another huge thank you to Lisa Guyot for a great presentation about our composting system that she has been organizing for the past year. 

Recipes!!! We had some incredible dishes brought in for the potluck lunch. I’d love to collect any recipes that people are willing to share so that we can post them on our website. 

All in all, about 20 people showed up, beds were tilled and weeded, compost was spread and mulch laid on top to keep the weeds down, bunny excluding fences erected… A great team effort from folks helping each other throughout! 

Sad you missed it? Don’t worry, we are planning three more Garden Gatherings throughout the season – the next one coming up in early June, stay tuned! 

Thank you to everyone who turned out for the day!

Happy spring and happy gardening!

Hannah, Anne, Ayres, Lisa, Carl, Sandy, and Jim

Arbor Day and More!

Hi everyone,

The Wareham Garden Club, in conjunction with the Wareham and Massachusetts Cultural Councils, will be presenting ‘Arbor Day and More’ on April 21st, 10am-2pm. This event will include free soil testing, an Eastern Red Bud tree giveaway (everyone gets one), an educational talk from a Plymouth County Extension Entomologist, a floral design workshop and more! 

Admission is free, everyone is welcome. Please visit the Wareham Garden Club website for more information about the free soil testing: https://warehamgardenclub.org/upcoming-events/

in kindness,
